Cutting boards are essential kitchen tools. Whether you use wood or plastic, they are a great way to clean your countertops while prepping meals. But do you know the best way to store them? Knowing how to store your cutting boards properly helps to maintain their longevity and protect them from germs and bacteria. Read on for some valuable tips on how to keep your kitchen boards!

kitchen boards

Choose the Right Cutting Board Material

The first step to storing your kitchen board is ensuring you have the right material for the job. Wood cutting boards are often chosen for their aesthetic appeal, but they can be more challenging to care for as they require regular oiling and washing. Plastic cutting boards, on the other hand, are easier to maintain due to their resistance to staining and are dishwasher-safe. If you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, bamboo cutting boards are excellent as they have antimicrobial properties and can be composted when they’ve outlived their usefulness.

Keep It Clean

Keeping it clean is critical, no matter what board you use. After each use, wash it with hot soapy water and let it air-dry before putting it away. This will prevent bacteria or germs from lingering on the board that could spread into food or onto other surfaces in your kitchen. Additionally, if you have a wooden board, ensure it gets good oiling regularly; this will help keep it from drying out and cracking over time.

Find Space in Your Kitchen

Now that your board is clean and ready for storage, it’s time to find a spot in your kitchen cabinets or drawers. Make sure whatever space you choose has plenty of air circulation so the board can dry after each use without becoming stale or having a musty smell. The best spot would be one where there isn’t too much moisture; this will help preserve its life expectancy even longer! If there isn’t enough room in your cabinets or drawers, then consider hanging up the board with wall-mounted hooks; this will free up some space and give your kitchen a unique look!

Conclusion: Storing wood cutting boards takes just a few extra steps compared with other kitchen items. Still, the payoff is worth it – not only do appropriately stored boards last longer, but they also help promote good hygiene in the kitchen by reducing cross-contamination between foods during meal prep time! With these simple tips, you’ll be able to keep your cutting board in tip-top shape so that it can continue serving you well for many years down the road!